McCool & Bhuta Hearing Aid Clinic

Conveniently Located
We are conveniently located in the heart of Homewood

3055 Independence Drive

Conveniently Located
Hearing Aids
At McCool & Bhuta you are our patient, not a customer
Hearing Aids
Physician Assisted
Birmingham's Only Physician Directed Hearing Aid Clinic
Physician Assisted
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Welcome to McCool & Bhuta Hearing Aid Clinic –
Birmingham’s only physician directed hearing aid clinic.


Most hearing loss is age-related, and as we grow older many people will develop some nerve hearing loss. However, hearing loss is a medical problem, with many possible causes. Hearing loss should be evaluated by a physician to identify treatable causes.

At McCool and Bhuta, our team of MDs and expert audiologists will accurately diagnose and treat your hearing loss. In addition, we provide the convenience of a doctor’s office and a hearing aid clinic at one location. No more running across town to make another appointment. No more parking fees. No more bad experiences.

At McCool and Bhuta ENT Specialists, we offer a complete range of hearing aid services, including:

  • Complete adult audiological evaluations including pure tone testing in a soundproof booth, speech recognition testing, and tympanometry
  • Hearing aid evaluations and fittings
  • Full line of digital hearing aid technology including assistive listening devices
  • Demonstration of hearing aids and Bluetooth accessories for your hearing aids
  • Hearing aid cleanings and service
  • Hearing aid repair services
  • Custom earmolds for hearing aids and in-ear headphones
  • Noise protection for hunters and musicians
  • Swim plugs
  • Hearing aid accessories
  • Loss and damage insurance on all instruments
  • Free follow-up visits to fine-tune instruments
  • Routine maintenance and cleaning of aids

We also provide:

  • Different warranty packages on our products depending on your purchase
  • 30 day adjustment period

We are conveniently located in Homewood with plenty of on-site, free parking.

How to choose a hearing aid

How to remove ear wax

What is Tinnitus?

What to expect during your McCool & Bhuta hearing loss evaluation

Your First Visit

You will start your visit by asking you questions about how your hearing loss is affecting your general health and lifestyle. Next, you will have a complete ear, nose and throat examination. 

You will then have the actual hearing test, called an audiogram. In a sound-proof booth, you will wear headphones to hear a series of tones at different frequencies and loudness. In addition, you will be asked to repeat a series of words to test your ability to understand the types of words used in daily conversations. Once the test is completed, Dr. McCool or Dr. Bhuta will explain the results so that you have a clear understanding of your hearing loss and how it can be helped. The visit, including the consultation and the hearing test, usually takes less than an hour. 

What if I have a hearing loss?

Most hearing loss is age-related nerve hearing loss. The hearing test will give you a clear idea of the severity of your hearing loss.  Since the hearing nerve can’t be repaired, the best treatment for hearing loss is a hearing aid. We can then discuss which type of hearing aid is best for you.

Need more convincing before your first visit? Take our Hearing Quiz.

3055 Independence Drive   |   Homewood, AL 35209
205.414.1368   |